Recent studies have created an algorithm that modifies cannabis’s temperature of cannabis, which allows the extraction of cannabinoids and most of the organic compounds. What does this mean? It means that the compounds that make the products obtain the same benefits as smoking marijuana have been extracted.
Smoking full spectrum CBD pre rolls produce great therapeutic benefits, precisely because of the inhaled properties that are obtained. However, if patients do not want to smoke it and consume it or spread it on some products, it loses much of its properties. When we decide to consume products such as oils, creams, foods, or drinks made with cannabis, they have already lost various properties, due, mostly, to the extraction method that is carried out with carbon dioxide.
Over the years, the great unknown has been how to transform the effects of smoking marijuana into products with the same benefits but without smoking it. Well, a company capable of doing it has appeared.
Smoking Marijuana, Or Eating It? The Unknown Of Medicine
The active elements in marijuana are absorbed directly into the brain without passing through the digestive system. This gives patients the same result as smoking marijuana through a new extraction process. The method they have developed allows doctors to decide whether or not they want to use THC in the process and whether to provide it to patients or not.
Its results are really promising and revolutionary. Smoking marijuana has many more benefits than using it. However, with the new extraction method, it is possible to benefit from the same components without smoking marijuana. Therefore, it can thus be established which components are to be given or not to patients. According to scientist Bentwich, the process better reflects the herb’s combined effects, and he believes that the herb has enormous and amazing potential that must be learned to develop.
The company that has discovered the method is conducting clinical trials to help prove if its method also works in cases such as glaucoma, Parkinson’s, or insomnia.
Their confidence in themselves is such that they have decided to launch themselves on the Toronto Stock Exchange, thus achieving better solutions and reaching patients who do not want to smoke marijuana but want to enjoy the benefits that this plant can provide.
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